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Wegwijs Amsterdam

helping you on the road to recovery

What can Wegwijs Amsterdam do for you?

Finding the right help for mental health problems can be difficult. Wegwijs Amsterdam helps you find ways to increase your well-being. During an exploratory interview, we will look at different areas of your life together and explore what you need to restore the balance in your life. This is how we create custom advice addressing your specific needs. In doing so, we look not just at professional help, but we also consider what you yourself or the people around you can do to help you get better.

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Who can use our services?

People seeking help and the people close to them

You have probably found us through your general practitioner or general practice nurse specialising in mental healthcare (POH-GGZ). That person has asked us to have an exploratory interview with you. During that interview, we will have a look at all aspects of your life. We will look at things that are going well and things that are not going well. Where things are not going well, we will work with you to find out what could help you restore your mental balance. Sometimes, it is clear that you need mental healthcare. In that case, we will help you find a suitable mental healthcare provider. Often, though, there will still be a waiting period. Our services are free of charge and you do not need a referral. You can register via the registration form on this website.

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General practitioner and general practice nurse specialising in mental healthcare (POH-GGZ)

You can refer people to us if you think there may be problems in several areas of their lives and help is needed, such as from the social domain. But informal care, peer contact, or experiential expertise may also be appropriate. We will then conduct an exploratory interview with the client. Sometimes it is clear, or becomes clear, that there is a medical indication for mental healthcare, but finding suitable care can be a very time-consuming process. We will then explore options with people and stay in touch about whether the options are appropriate. More information on the exploratory interviews and the registration form can be found at the referrer page.

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