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Wegwijs Amsterdam complaints regulations

We do our utmost to assist you as best we can. That said, it is possible that you are dissatisfied or have a complaint about our counselling. Please let us know and we may be able to do something. We would also like to learn from your dissatisfaction and try to avoid complaints in the future.

If you are dissatisfied or have a complaint, please discuss it first with the staff member involved. This person might not be aware of your dissatisfaction and would be eager to hear you out. If you are unable to resolve things, please contact our director Hieke Bos at: / 06-40763640

If this does reduce your dissatisfaction, you can discuss your complaint with the independent complaints officer. This is Willemijn Dekker, available at: / 06-26312026.

The independent complaints officer’s role is to provide relief, support and advice to the person filing the complaint. The complaints will try to reach a satisfactory solution for all parties involved. You can submit your complaint by e-mail or telephone.

Lastly, if matters still cannot be resolved, you can contact Geschillencommissie Zorg (the disputes committee for the healthcare sector).